Nyamunyonyi Tourism Resort - Book your stay

Kibale Forest National Park

Kamwenge, Western Region, Uganda.

Nyamunyonyi tourism resort

A Haven for Primates Kibale Forest National Park is a protected area located in western Uganda. It covers an area of approximately 795 square kilometers and is home to one of the most diverse primate populations in the world. The park is a popular destination for tourists who come to see the primates.. Kibale Forest National Park is home to 13 different species of primates, including the chimpanzee, red colobus monkey, and L’Hoest’s monkey. The park is also home to over 300 species of birds, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise. Visitors can take guided tours through the forest to see the primates in their natural habitat. The chimpanzees are the most popular attraction, and visitors can watch them swing through the trees and interact with each other.


Up to 30 days

Tour Type



English, Runyakitara, Luganda, Swahili


Kibale National Park is a protected area located in Western Uganda, known for its diverse primate populations and lush tropical rainforest. Some of the tour highlights of Kibale National Park include:

  • Chimpanzee Tracking: Kibale is home to the largest population of chimpanzees in Uganda, and visitors can go on a guided chimpanzee tracking expedition to see them up close.
  • Primate Walks: In addition to chimpanzees, Kibale is home to 12 other primate species, including the red colobus monkey, black-and-white colobus monkey, and the L'Hoest's monkey. Visitors can go on a guided primate walk to see these fascinating creatures.
  • Bird Watching: Kibale is a haven for birdwatchers, with over 350 species of birds recorded in the park. Some of the notable species include the African Grey Parrot, the Black Bee-eater, and the Blue-headed Sunbird.
  • Forest Walks: Kibale's tropical rainforest is a unique ecosystem that is home to many endemic species of plants and animals. Visitors can take a guided forest walk to learn more about the flora and fauna of this fascinating habitat.
  • Cultural Experiences: Kibale is located in an area with several local communities that have their own unique cultures and traditions. Visitors can take part in cultural experiences such as village walks, traditional dances, and storytelling.

Overall, Kibale National Park offers a range of activities and experiences for visitors to enjoy, making it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in wildlife, nature, and culture.

Travel Itinerary

  • Arrive at Entebbe International Airport
  • Meet with your tour guide and transfer to your hotel in Kampala
  • Overnight in Kampala

  • Enjoy breakfast at your hotel in Kampala
  • Drive to Kibale Forest National Park, approximately 5-6 hours
  • Stopover in Fort Portal for lunch
  • Continue to the park and check-in at your lodge
  • Optional: Visit the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary for a nature walk
  • Dinner and overnight in Kibale Forest National Park

  • Early breakfast at your lodge
  • Head to the park headquarters for chimpanzee tracking briefing
  • Set off into the forest with your guide to search for chimpanzees
  • Afternoon optional activities may include visiting the nearby crater lakes, bird watching, or a community walk.
  • Dinner and overnight in Kibale Forest National Park

  • Breakfast at your lodge
  • Take a guided nature walk through the forest
  • Return to the lodge for lunch and check out
  • Drive back to Kampala, with a stopover in Mubende for lunch
  • Arrive in Kampala and transfer to your hotel or airport for departure

Note: This itinerary can be customized to fit your interests and budget. Additional activities such as bird watching, night walks, or cultural visits can be added to your itinerary.

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